homebrew update issue 'Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.'
brew update를 시전하다가 Please delete these paths and run `brew update`. 라는 에러와 동시에 업데이트가 중단되었다.
- 에러
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
- 해결방법
rm -rf /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/brew
과 같이 삭제하라는 디렉토리를 삭제해준다.
그러고 나서 brew update를 실행하면
Already up-to-date.
로 업데이트 끝!